
Russia's Announcement It's Interfering In The Midterms Is How It Interferes In The Midterms

So, there’s this “We have interfered, are interfering and will continue to interfere.”Russian entrepreneur Yevgeny Prigozhin admitted he interfered in U.S. elections and says he will continue to d...

Why Did I Build This Site?

With all the Elon Musk-inspired Twitter chaos, I’ve been thinking about a few things: What would I do if Twitter went away? What do I get from Twitter that I would really lose? One of the first th...

Some Things To Keep In Mind When You're In Charge

My pinned thread on Twitter is a running list of things I’ve learned about management over the years. I think it’s pretty good! This document is not that – It’s an excerpt of a document I share wit...

So, Uh, I've Been Tweeting 12 Identical Political Attacks A Day, Every Day

I’m an opposition researcher, and for most people, that means digging up dirt. And it does. But anybody who does this job long enough learns a painful lesson: information doesn’t do anything by its...

How Much Of What You See Is What Other People Decide You Should See?

There’s a lot of selection bias in who gets called a “good” or “bad” campaigner, or public speaker, in politics. That selection bias comes from this: most reporters never really watch, or pay atten...