

Happy New Year! Anyway, Are We Each Trapped By The Prison Of Our Fundamental Nature To Repeat The Same Failures Forever?

What an asshole Is there anything more silly than people who, against all evidence, wake up on new years day, proclaim “new year - new me!” and go to the gym three times before resuming their old ...

News Consumption Is The Least Important Reason For Political Operatives To Use Social Media

I’m unusual in the world of politics in that I’ve long encouraged my staff to have Twitter – or other social media accounts – and to actively use them. As I encourage people to move away from the p...

Thoughts On Intentional Media Consumption Post Twitter

Twitter was endless; RSS had a stopping point Before Twitter became my main mode of news discovery, I primarily relied on RSS readers to keep track of news. In a lot of ways, RSS was way better. ...

Are We Walking Around A World That's Already Obsolete?

Are other people experiencing this? Or just me? I admit that I may be a bit wound up about the latest round of AI demos. But I’ve spent the last few months with the bizarre feeling of vertigo, st...

I'm Just Making This Post To Verify Myself On Mastodon

Mastodon So, here’s the thing. This website is created via Jekyll. It involves Ruby. It’s configured with Yaml. It’s a template somebody else made. I could add this little bit of code to the site,...

Silicon Valley Can't Ruin Your Beer League

Reading David Roth’s brilliant essay Everything Is Silicon Valley Now, it’s easy to fall into something of a despair pit. I wrote about the current golden age in Epic Boss Behavior. https://t.co/4...

Proofs Of Reserve Isn't A Bugfix For Human Nature

Perhaps the most interesting thing in the crypto community is the gap between its professed ideals of creating trustless, code-mediated, decentralized finance and its centralized, opaque, fraud-riv...

You Probably Didn't Predict The Election Result, And That's Ok

If you’re working in electoral politics, you’re probably trying to do two things at the same time: First, you’re trying to do the thing that you do to help win elections. Second, you’re trying to s...

Respect Voters

It’s a pleasant early November treat to watch Republicans attack each other, the media, and voters for the party’s unexpectedly poor performance in the 2022 midterms. But I have little doubt that, ...