Home Russia's Announcement It's Interfering In The Midterms Is How It Interferes In The Midterms

Russia's Announcement It's Interfering In The Midterms Is How It Interferes In The Midterms

So, there’s this

One thing that I think a lot of left-of-center folks forget about Russia is that interfering in elections effectively is very hard, even if you’re doing it in the open. And, as we’ve seen in the conflict in Ukraine, the Russian government is not made up of supernaturally competent planners.

It’s made up of people.

It’s also important to remember that, from an earned media perspective, Russia’s main objective is to cause chaos.

You can cause chaos by pushing to delegitimize the election. Republicans are already sufficiently blackpilled on this issue, thanks to Donald Trump, and the Russians are aware that many Democrats are primed to believe conspiracy theories about Russian spook operations stealing elections.

So, if you’re not very competent at stealing elections, but want to cause chaos, what do you do? Well, you could wait until the day before the election, and then announce publicly that you’re trying to steal it.

And that’s what they’ve done.

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