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Who am I?

  • I’ve been working in opposition research since 2009, and I dropped out of college to do it.

  • I’ve worked on gubernatorial, local, house, and senate races, and from 2014-2020 I ran American Bridge 21st Century’s presidential research.

  • Since 2020 I’ve been the vice president in charge of all of American Bridge’s tracking, research, and media monitoring.

  • I care about winning elections, particularly through earned media. Earned media is the political water we swim in, and matters more than almost anybody gives it credit for

  • I care about building effective organizations that people want to work for. Not because they’re easy to work for, but because they’re an engine for accomplishing, together, goals that are meaningful and too big for any one person to achieve alone. Easier said than done, but we’re making a good shot at it over here at Bridge.